White Guava Concentrate

White Guava Concentrate is extracted from the best quality, mature, and ripe guava fruit (Psidium Guajava, Family Myrtaceae) by a mechanical process under stringent hygienic conditions. The soluble solid contents of freshly extracted Guava Concentrate shall not be less than 20 % m/m as determined by Refract meter at 20°C, uncorrected for acidity, and read as Brix in the International Sucrose Scales. The pulp is first strained so that it is free from peels, seeds, other coarse parts of the guava fruit, and other substances or impurities. It is then concentrated using a single Effect Evaporator and packed aseptically under hygienic conditions.

Brix corrected at 20° C (o B) >20
pH <4
Acidity (%) 0.75 – 1
Colour Creamy White
Black Specs per 10gm Nil
Brown Specs per 10gm <10
Flavour Characteristics of Good Fruit
Appearance Homogenous
Taste Characteristics of Guava
Consistency (Cm/30 sec by Bostwick at 20° C) 3.5 – 6
TCC cfu/gm <10 CFU
Yeast/Mould cfu/gm <10 CFU
Coli forms Absent
Salmonella Absent
Howard Mould Count